速報APP / 生產應用 / Moove - Location reminder

Moove - Location reminder





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:vul. Zelena 135 s. Komarivka, Brodivs'kyj r-n, L'vivs'ka obl., 80610 Ukraine

Moove - Location reminder(圖1)-速報App

Create reminders with destination point and continue to do your own business, and when you reach the point of triggering, the app will help you.

It is now open source: https://github.com/naz013/Moove.

The application supports two basic types of reminder with extension options

•  Reminder on arrival in a certain place;

•  Reminders when a user leaves a specified location.

Extension options for each reminder

•  Sending SMS;

Moove - Location reminder(圖2)-速報App

•  Reminder the phone call;

•  Postponing the start of tracking to save battery power;

•  Automatic switching with GPS tracking to over the network and vice versa;

•  Android Wear notification;

•  Application - companion for watches on Android Wear;

•  Customizable LED indication;

•  Select a melody and reminder volume;

Moove - Location reminder(圖3)-速報App

•  Highlighting display;

•  Unlocking the screen;

•  Choose your style of marker for each reminder.

Official Web page - https://craysoftware.wordpress.com/

Permissions used by app

•  Approximate and exact location - used to track the current position of the user. Tracking data is not stored or transmitted.

•  Read contacts, send text messages and make calls - needs to create reminders with the ability to send SMS or make calls.

Moove - Location reminder(圖4)-速報App

•  Internet - you need to download Google Maps.

•  Reading and writing to the memory card - to select the desired reminder melody.

Moove - Location reminder(圖5)-速報App